Pet Cremation Services
in Mount Pleasant, PA
Eternal Life Cremation Services, LLC, Performs Pet Cremation

The loss of a pet takes a large toll on families. Pets are truly part of the family, and finding compassionate, affordable care for their passing can be difficult. When you choose Eternal Life Cremation Services, LLC, in Mount Pleasant, PA, we work with families to keep them comfortable during the process. To make the process easier, we return your pet’s remains to you in about 3-5 days of cremation, instead of taking weeks or months. That way, your pet will be back home where they belong. If the owner chooses, we can cremate pets with their favorite toy, blanket, or other item that does not include batteries. Call Eternal Life Cremation Services at (724) 547-2468 today. If you need emergency service, please call and listen to the menu options. We accept all pets up to 250 pounds.
Call our staff for more information on cremation of K-9 officers, military police dogs, drug, bomb, and guide dogs.
Pre-Planned Arrangements for Pets in Mount Pleasant, PA

Private or Communal Cremation Services for Pets
Eternal Life Cremation Services, LLC, does not provide any type of euthanasia. That is a service that requires a specific license.
Eternal Life Cremation Services Offers Transportation for Pets
If your pet passes at home, at the vet, or at a kennel, Eternal Life Cremation Services offers transportation for the pet to our facility. No matter the time or day, call on Eternal Life Cremation Services to transport your pet for cremation. We proudly serve Mount Pleasant, PA; Uniontown, PA; Greensburg, PA; and the surrounding areas.