Human Cremation Services
in Mount Pleasant, PA
Eternal Life Cremation Services, LLC, Offers Human Cremation

Eternal Life Cremation Services, LLC, does not provide any type of euthanasia. That is a service that requires a specific license.
Keepsakes for Loved Ones in Mount Pleasant, PA
Eternal Life Cremation Services provides various memorials and keepsakes for grieving families in Mount Pleasant, PA, and the surrounding areas. Choose from various styles of urns, cremation jewelry, and stone markers to memorialize your loved one. We return ashes in a temporary urn until the family finds the right memorial for their loved one. Eternal Life Cremation Services also offers engraved keepsakes, but will provide blank ones if the family chooses to have it engraved elsewhere.
Contact Eternal Life Cremation Services for Questions About Cremation
While arrangements must go through the funeral home for human cremation, the staff at Eternal Life Cremation Services will be happy to answer any questions you have, or provide you with direction on where to go next. Two funeral homes we regularly work with are Graft-Jacquillard Funeral and Cremation Services and Saloom-Rega Funeral Service. These funeral directors can help with making proper arrangements if you wish to cremate your loved one through our facility in Mount Pleasant, PA.